Funny Boy


Hi! πŸ™‹

If you read my blog, I’m sure you’ve gathered that I’m a hopeless romantic and a mess. I LOVE love and I think it’s the foundation to anything I do in life. I don’t ever use the word unless I mean it and I don’t take it for granted. Like Carrie says, “It’s the only label that never goes out of style.”

We go through life seeking and sometimes living a great love story. If you’re like me, you get your life from love stories like Carrie and Big’s, Anastasia and Christian’s, Vivian and Edward’s, or Ross and Rachel’s. Yes, I know they’re not real, but we grow up hoping that we get a chance to live that fairytale and find our prince or princess. I’ve been lucky enough to have witnessed such love stories in real life. My BFF, Ang, just married her prince and it was so beautiful. Just like in the movies. Witnessing love stories like this gives you hope and proves that it really can happen!

I know you guys probably read my blog and think, “Damn, another boyfriend?” or “Damn, this bitch can’t keep a man to save her life!” Haha I promise I’m not some thot that jumps from guy to guy! Not that there’s anything wrong with that! Shout out to all my thots! ❀

I always go into a relationship with the wholehearted intention of making it work and making the other person happy. I know that it hasn’t worked out, but it doesn’t make the love stories any less great. Kind of like Katie and Hubbell or Fanny and Nicky Arnstein. They didn’t end up together, but their love stories are just some of the greatest on film.

I know people think I’m silly for always referencing movies for everything that happens in real life, but it’s what keeps my faith alive. Guys probably think I’m just a funny creep that has lost touch with reality, but I don’t see anything wrong with using these stories as aspirations in life. It’s probably what has kept me from becoming a cynical douchebag.

Being a hopeless romantic in a hook up culture is definitely tough, but I don’t think I could ever stop believing in love. I know I haven’t been “the one” for anybody, but I still have faith. Faith in myself, that I’ll one day come across someone who is sure that I’m the one. Until then, bring on the chick flix and alcohol! πŸ˜‰

I hope that this helped anyone out there feeling some typa way during the holidays πŸ’œ



This queen has given me my life on a platter with her new album, 25. It is absolutely stunning. Please treat yourself and get it!


Water Under The Bridge by Adele

This song is from her new album and it is literally what my life is about right now. Take a listen!

Until next time! ❀



There Are Worse Things I Could Do



Thank you so much for coming back! 💙💚💛💜💗💖

Oh, yes! A bitch has emojis now! 💅 Get into it!

Here we go! 🏄 ::SURFBOARD::

I tend to open up and let you guys into my personal life a little bit in my blog. I feel that sometimes sharing stuff that I’m going through with y’all is not only therapeutic for me, but I also do it with hopes that you too can become America’s Next Top Model…


Kidding. I do it with hopes that it might help someone out there going through something similar or just to give you a peek inside my stupid head. 🙈

I am, however, well aware that there will be people that will take what I put out there and judge. Which is fine. What people say or think about me is none of my business, like RuPaul says. But if you’re gonna come for me, you better be fucking perfect.

I’m learning from everything that is being thrown at me right now and I’m trying my very best to keep it as together as I possibly can. What I really want to do is curl up in a hole and die, but that’s not who I am and that certainly wouldn’t be cute.

I’m not the first to get into trouble, and I definitely won’t be the last. So, twirl on that!

To all of you who have been so loving and supportive, I can’t tell you how much it means to me. It’s literally what gets me through each day 💙


Barbra StreisandPARTNERS

This album is EVERYTHING! She sings duets of some of her classic songs with some of the greatest male vocalists. My favorite so far is What Kind of Fool with John Legend! It’s beautiful! Treat yourself and purchase this album!

And if you follow me on SnapChat (cosaravia)….



Until next time! Be blessed, y’all!

