The Edge of Glory 

Hello birds! 🐥🐥🐥

I like to play with fire. Not literally, of course, but figuratively speaking. I like to use my phone while I pour gas, run stop lights if no one is around, get wastey pants when I know I have work early the next day, or sleep with people I shouldn’t sleep with. To name a few. Some of you might just think that doing things like that is flat out stupid, and I would have to agree. I’m still learning how to reel in that side of me, for the sake of…I don’t know…my life I guess! As I’m progressing further into this insane life, I’m realizing the importance of a boundary. The importance of being mindful of not crossing or staying a safe distance from that pesky little “line.”At the same time, I feel like my life wouldn’t be as exciting if I didn’t graze that line from time to time. 

I believe that there are two kinds of people in this world. There’s the person who would never go near the line and the person who teeters (twerks)/crosses the line. The distance we choose to keep from the line ultimately says a lot about us, but in a world where people have become so desensitized; how does one take risks without seeming like the idiot that looks for trouble?

I think that in order to keep some of the purity within ourselves, we draw these lines. It’s safe, it keeps things in order, and it reduces the risk of getting hurt or hurting others. But I can’t help but to feel stifled by the boundary sometimes. I will always respect it, but I can’t promise that I will reject that free shot that I know I shouldn’t take. That shot might make me muster up the courage to talk to the cute guy that could possibly be the love of my life! As logical as we all might like to be, sometimes what seems like a bad thing could lead to a great thing. I know that isn’t always the case, but if anything, it’ll make for a great story! 

My current obsession, Meredith Grey, once said, “At some point, you have to make a decision. Boundaries don’t keep other people out. They fence you in. Life is messy. That’s how we’re made. So, you can waste your life drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them.” Just a little something to put in your back pocket! 😘

“Put on your shades cause I’ll be dancing in the flames tonight yeah, baby! Tonight yeah, baby!”


Party by Beyoncé featuring Andre 3000. For obvious reasons 🤗


Grey’s. Fucking. Anatomy.

Those of you close to me know how important this show has become to me. Not only has it made me feel like I can go into an OR and perform an appy, but it has also emotionally scarred me for life. 


Until next time!

