Thank You For The Music


HELLO…IT’S ME…(In my best Adele)

I’ve always found it so insane how fast things can change in such a short period of time. It’s almost kind of ridiculous how we’re expected to adapt to change so quickly when it happens so suddenly sometimes, but that’s the way it goes when you’re living in such a fast paced life. People get older, people get together, people break-up, people start registering for Christmas;  and its all happening so fast that you kind of forget to take a moment to process just what the hell happened. Like, how am I 26 now and single again? It feels like just yesterday I was 25 with a Facebook relationship status that “broke the Internet.” I blinked and here I am, laying in bed waiting for Scandal to come on while listening to Phil Collins’ Against All Odds and feeling a little more cynical than “yesterday.”

Don’t worry, guys! I’m not depressed or anything! I’m just still trying to catch up. Well, I feel like my head is finally up to speed, but my heart still has a bit of catching up to do 😉 Being in a relationship, at least for me, is a lot of fun and I find it so exciting, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out and I’ve come to learn that you just have to be thankful it happened. In that time, I was the happiest bee and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. So I’m very thankful and I wish that lil bird nothing but the absolute best 🐣

In a world that moves so quickly, you have to remember to take a second or two and get yourself together. It’s so easy to just say “get over it” or “keep it moving.” It’s important to take a moment and process. You always want to arrive to the next part of life looking stunning and impossibly fresh looking 💁

World stop………….Carry on 💅




I’ve been obsessed with them for awhile, but this new self-titled album they just put out is giving me my whole life!  Go get it!


Misbehavin’ by Pentatonix! It’s off of their new album. This song is so beautiful! It’s about the feelings and things you go through while being away from that special someone. So good!

Until next time! ❤



There’s A Boy I Know! He’s The One I Dream Of!

Hello, hello, hello!

There are a lot of exciting things happening in my life, and I’d like to share a little sum sum with you guys!

So, there’s a boy I’ve been talking to for a little over a year now. We kind of fell out of touch for awhile, but we recently reconnected sometime towards the end of October. He’s cute, funny, caring, and has the most loveable laugh I’ve ever heard!

Our schedules kind of prevented us from hanging out a lot. We’re both crazy busy. I’m always running around everywhere, and he’s a hair stylist, so, imagine that. We always somehow managed to figure something out.

I knew I wanted him to be my boyfriend, and I think he knew too, but I didn’t want to jump into anything if I couldn’t give him the time he deserved. Through all the crazy that goes on in my life, he stuck through it. That told me a lot.

We were at a pub when it happened. I know, right?! It was so meant to be haha! This all happened because Ang licked his arm (weirdo, I know) and I said,”Get off my man!” I think you guys can figure out what happened after.


In that moment, it felt right to commit to him. I’ve been running around this whole city like a chicken with her head chopped off, and I needed to finally stand still with someone. He’s the perfect guy to do that with 🙂

This an exciting time for me, and I can’t wait to see what comes next!  Thank you all for the love and support! 🙂



Ummm, did that album and release blow your mind or what?! Girls, I’m still getting my loyfe! SUCH A SEXY ALBUM. I have to admit, the lyrics made me uncomfy a bit at first. Only because Beyoncé is like my sister, and I’m not used to her saying things like, “He Monica Lewinskied all on my gown. Oh baby baby, he forgot a towel.” Umm HELLO! Steamy. Favorite tracks so far Drunk In Love, Blow, Partician, XO and Flawless. This album is legit as fuck.

Get into it!

Until next time!

